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Tantra touch

Tantric massage basic introduction.

A relaxing tantric massage that helps you reach a special world of soft fragrances, which not only de-stresses your mind, but also improves your physical and emotional fitness. It is especially designed for people who wish to enjoy a multisensory experience. This treatment activates cellular regeneration and remineralizes your skin to reach that sense of balance and well-being in both body and mind .

£300  –  1 h

£450  –  90 min 

£600  –  2 hours

Deluxe Massage

One of the most suggestive massage proposals from our menu of services. Your masseuse will be entirely nude allowing you to feel her skin to the fullest.
It adapts to your preferences. The best Thai tactics will be applied alongside a relaxing atmosphere and music, providing lots of surprises. Relaxing massage where your masseuse will make smooth, slow and deep movements using her fingertips and body-to-body contact. Closeness accompanied by long caresses and sensual touching are the main characteristics of this type of massage, where the masseuses play with various tantric postures.

This massage is indicated to harmonise skin cells and promote muscle repair.

You will discover how little by little the pain of the most troubled points, known as trigger points, is mitigated thanks to the pressure, and stretching that our  masseuses perform on different parts of your body.

We especially recommend it for those who suffer from stress, insomnia, jet lag or anxiety. It is a unique and incomparable sensory experience that is different from any other massage, a moment of absolute well-being for you, which everyone should try.

It includes an extra lingam massage, a muscular technique that elevates eroticism.

£400 – 1 hour

£600 – 90 min

£800 – 2 hours

Massage for couples

It is a gentle massage that uses different techniques: gliding, kneading and friction.

This type of massage helps you to achieve balance and physical relaxation. It is a time to heal and shape your body and harmonise your mind. 2 massage therapists perform this massage ,essential oils are used. 

Many define this massage as the art of relaxing the body. It is a gentle massage that is not only intended for you to experience relaxation, but also has great rehabilitative potential.

Relaxing massage has its origins in Eastern concepts of anatomy and physiology, reinterpreted in the West, and our therapists use this type of massage to stimulate circulation, activate the circulatory system, release tight muscles, restore range of motion and to relieve pain.

 Tantric postures are performed. Includes lingam & yoni massage, a muscular technique that elevates eroticism.

£1000 – 1 hour

Massage for her

A relaxing tantric massage that helps you reach a special world of soft fragrances, which not only de-stresses your mind, but also improves your physical and emotional fitness. It is especially designed for people who wish to enjoy a multisensory experience. This treatment activates cellular regeneration and remineralizes your skin to reach that sense of balance and well-being in both body and mind.

£500 – 1 hour

£700 – 90 min

£1000 – 2 hours

4 hands massage

The four-hand massage is the most exclusive and complete of all massages. Our expert masseuses synchronise in this ritual, coordinating the treatment received by both hemispheres of the body. Enjoy warm and gentle synchronised attention to release tension and immerse yourself in a feeling of pleasure and total relaxation.

This four-hand therapy is performed with essential oils. 

The four-hand massage activates the circulatory and lymphatic system, eliminating toxins from our organism. That is why it has such a powerful effect: it achieves a muscular relaxation twice as intense and internally purifies your whole organism. The absolute coordination of the techniques of both masseuses gives you a much more intense and deep relaxation effect both physically and mentally.

The key to achieving immersion into a deep state of relaxation is the synchronisation of our masseuses when performing the massage. At the beginning of the treatment, you may want to find out which masseuse is working on which part of your body, but after a few minutes you begin to feel a deep relaxation. Then you simply disconnect from the material reality, tuning into the harmony and enjoying the next movement, feeling the massage. 

£800 – 1 hour

Tantra intense

This type of massage is much more than a relaxing massage, and we recommend it if you have muscle contractures or cramps, sprains, or arthritis. Feel the relief in any type of muscle or joint ailment.

This treatment is based on muscle stretching; the depth of the technique relieves tension in the tissues so that you can achieve a feeling of absolute well-being.

Ideal for releasing tension and balancing the emotional state. 

Our Tantra intense massage focuses on working in depth on the musculature along with stretching the tissues, unblocking the power of the Sen paths: the energy lines that run through our body. 

Although it is a full body massage, in which our  therapists will observe which areas need more attention, it is also advisable to indicate if you feel any pain so that the masseuse can focus on relieving it. When you indicate the areas that need more work, they are marked and treated using the “kneading” technique. When the area of tension is located, “vibration” will be applied, a manoeuvre that consists of making the skin vibrate by pressing a point on the body with the heel of the hand or with the fingers, moving the area up and down.

In addition to the “vibration” technique, our masseuses also use the “percussion” and “friction” techniques as required. The “percussion” technique is applied with the hands and consists of gently tapping the area to dissolve the trigger points, thus activating the blood circulation and the body’s energy. On the other hand, for the deeper and more affected tissues, they use the “friction” movement performed with the fingers on these tissues. 

£400 – 1 hour

£600 – 90 min

£800 – 2 hours

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